Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to Transfer data from Excel to SQL SERVER 2000

i want to transfer data from MS Excel Sheets to SQL Server. is there any
Ahmad Jalil QarshiThe simplest way is to use the DTS Import Wizard.
Thomas A. Moreau, BSc, PhD, MCSE, MCDBA
SQL Server MVP
Columnist, SQL Server Professional
Toronto, ON Canada
"Ahmad Jalil Qarshi" <> wrote in message
i want to transfer data from MS Excel Sheets to SQL Server. is there any
Ahmad Jalil Qarshi|||YOu can import that from SQL Server using
-Linked Servers
HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.
"Ahmad Jalil Qarshi" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> hi!
> i want to transfer data from MS Excel Sheets to SQL Server. is there any
> way.
> Thanks
> Ahmad Jalil Qarshi
>|||Make sure you have header records in your excel file. Then click in first
column first row and hit ctrl+shift+end which should highlight everything.
Then go to file save as then for the type choose csv. Then in Enterprise
Manager click on database you want it to go into then right click and choose
import data. For Source choose text which is the last option, then browse
for file you made .csv then on destination choose db its going into if not
alreay specificed and then when you get to the import format screen click
first row has column names and then click next. You should see all data wit
proper column names. Then next and run and you should have all data.
You might have to go back and change fields size specifications because it
makes all columns 255 which is not a good practice for final table. Also
when you save the file as type csv it will give you errors and ask you if yo
want to save over file. Just say yes it will also do the same thing when you
go to close out of file just click save again and over right otherwise the
file might get messed up if you hit cancel or no to saving file.
Hope this helps.
"Ahmad Jalil Qarshi" wrote:

> hi!
> i want to transfer data from MS Excel Sheets to SQL Server. is there any
> way.
> Thanks
> Ahmad Jalil Qarshi
>|||If you don't choose .csv format, you can use .xls. In .csv format all colum
will be interpreted as varchar. But if you transfer from excel, it can be
different respect to the column types in excel. But, there is an important
"Ahmad Jalil Qarshi" wrote:

> hi!
> i want to transfer data from MS Excel Sheets to SQL Server. is there any
> way.
> Thanks
> Ahmad Jalil Qarshi
>|||Excuse, my message is ongoing.
...But, there is an important point. Look your .xls file. Sometimes a colon
can be different types such as half of one column date and remaining is
string. In this position sql will interpret this column as DateTime. But
there can be error in string part. So, string part can be null.
"huseyin_akturk" wrote:
> If you don't choose .csv format, you can use .xls. In .csv format all col
> will be interpreted as varchar. But if you transfer from excel, it can be
> different respect to the column types in excel. But, there is an important
> point.
> "Ahmad Jalil Qarshi" wrote:

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