Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How to store Resume and cover letter into SQL Server?


I am trying to create an web recruiting application for HR, which will give the users the ability to both copy/paste the Resume and cover letter in textbox and upload resume and cover letter, then submit it (which will be saved into SQL Server 2000 table).

I am thinking to save Resume and cover_letter as Image data type columns in SQL Server.

. Can someone give me a direction about how to save the uploaded resume and cover letter to table and if it's the easiest way to do it?

. What to deal with different formats of uploaded resumes? I hope to limit to only Word or HTML

. Since I also give user another option - copy/paste the resume and coverletter into a textboxes. Can I simply save the copy/paste resume and cover letter into text field column? Later, say, if any HR recruiter retrieve the text from database, will it concatonates everything together without line break?

Any ideas is appreciated.

You have two options use NChar 4000 or NVarchar 4000 and limit the size of the uploaded file so you can use ANSI SQL %Like% in your search or use NText and use Full Text index which is an add on to SQL Server dependent on Microsoft Search service with the Microsoft Catalog populated all the time to get search results. Full Text index uses Microsoft proprietry key word search as CONTAINS, CONTAINSTABLE, FREETEXT and FREETEXTTABLE. Run a search for Full Text index implementation in SQL Server BOL(books online) Hope this helps.|||

You can save the resume in the database in an image field

//Create a Buffer Stream to Hold the uploaded file
string FileName = GetFileName(txtFileUpload.PostedFile.FileName.ToString());
string FileType = txtFileUpload.PostedFile.ContentType.ToString();
int FileSize = int.Parse(txtFileUpload.PostedFile.ContentLength.ToString());
byte[] DocBuffer = new byte[FileSize];
Stream objSream;
objSream = txtFileUpload.PostedFile.InputStream;
//Pass this buffer as a paramter to a Stored procedure which will insert a new record into ur table
SqlParameter pcvContent = new SqlParameter("@.cvContent",SqlDbType.Image);
pcvContent.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
pcvContent.Value = cvContent;
to retrive the saved file from the database you have to do the following
do your select statment
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename='"+ dr["FileName"].ToString() +"'");
Response.ContentType = dr["FileType"].ToString();
Response.BinaryWrite( (byte[]) dr["CvContent"]);
this the first solution.
The secound one is to create a resume builder.

|||Personally, I would consider storing BOTH the raw document in an IMAGEcolumn, and ripping the text of the document and storing that in a TEXTcolumn. This will allow you to set up a full-text index forsearching the resumes, while at the same time making it easy for usersto get the resumes back in whatever format they were submitted in.



I need to do a keyword search in word and pdf documents. I tried using Index Server linked with SQL Server but its giving me many problems. So i'm planning to rip off the text from the word or pdf docs and store the text in a TEXT field as u said in one of the threads so that i can do a search easily.

Is it possible to read from a word or a pdf file and store it in a string. Sorry about contacting u directly

Thanks in Advance

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